• Welcome.

    I’m a dad of two amazing kids and life’s blessed me more than I deserve. I’ll do anything for them and teach them everything I know. They’re thoughtful, diligent, and kind—thank goodness for their mom.

    My wife and I have known each other since we were 15 and we’ve been in an eternal hanging-out status since. I’m proud of her in many, many ways. I still panic a little when she looks at me funny.

    I live a life not mine but entirely theirs.

    Some of my favorite things are wandering on a bicycle, wandering without a bicycle. If I’m editing, I’m podcasting - 99% Invisible, How I Built This, Criminal and a few horror shows. I see the sunrise almost every day - sunsets are cool too but a sunrise is where it’s at.

  • It’s important to me that your goals are met. Photography is highly subjective - transparency is a big deal to me and you should know exactly what I offer, and you should get exactly what you want. I let my images speak for themselves. What I love talking about is how I can help you realize your vision through prompt attention, creative collaboration, and dedicated work you expect from a professional and a friend.

    If you like what you see and want to know more, send a message. I’m always happy to chat and was never a fan of high-pressure sales tactics Thanks.

  • It’s important to me that we determine if our offering aligns with your vision. Art is naturally subjective. You will never be told to look no further - that you’ve found who you’ve been looking for. Please take your time. It’s necessary to compare my work to others who’ve caught your attention. Because at the end of the day, those who find value want to know more - and when you do, I’m with you 100%. The images I help create are inspired, simple, spontaneous, and true. Perfectly posed, still-looking pictures work well for many - but my work resonates differently. My clients are creative - we like taking risks. We can be quiet but unafraid to take up space if needed. Substance over form, my client finds beauty in moments over shiny, perfect things. We’re non-traditional and inclusive. We’re imperfectionists.  We find wonder in the tiny details unique to our families. My clients are kind and they’re awesome. 

  • I approach your day fully aware that future generations would look at your images and wonder how it might’ve been to live in our time. These photos are meant to show what made your heart beat loudest, your thirst for life, and how life loved you back. I understand that these art pieces become more valuable with every passing year, through family life and its timely changes. It may seem the images we create are mostly for us but time will show it is really meant for those who come long after we’ve left.

  • We’ve always sought to remember how things exactly happened; how we felt. Memories fill the gaps and define what’s constantly fleeting. This is how photography captivates us and why simplicity and spontaneity work so well. Genuine moments and not perfection is what matter in the end. My photography is meant to bring about an overwhelming fondness that feels like home.

  • 95% of our clients are return customers or those know others who we’ve served. Click here for our 590+ 5-star reviews.